???? Powerful Intel 12Gen Processor – ZENAERO laptop relies on the Intel Alder Lake-N100 processor (4 cores 4 threads, 6MB cache, up to 3.4GHz). The N100 processor exhibits a marked superiority over the Pentium N5030 or Celeron N5095, It also comes with integrated Intel UHD Graphics up to 1200MHz for seamless multitasking and enhanced graphics capabilities.,???? Blazing Speed, Massive Capacity – This laptop computer is equipped with DDR4 RAM 16GB 3200 MHz memory, offering more space and faster performance compared to DDR3 devices, resulting in a 50% overall system speed improvement. It also features a built-in m.2 2280 PCIe Gen 3.0 NVMe 1TB SSD, which is expandable up to 4TB by simply opening the screw-equipped compartment on the bottom.,???? 15.6-inch Vibrant Full HD Display – The laptop PC boasts a 1920 by 1080 pixel resolution and a 16:9 aspect ratio, making it suitable for office, school, or study purposes. With a high brightness level of 300 cd/m², it provides sufficient clarity for indoor use and remains visible even in direct sunlight. The display offers excellent viewing angles and vibrant color output.,???? 10 Extensive Interface Options – This notebook PC offers a wide range of connectivity options, including a full-featured Type-C port with PD 65W charging support, USB Type-C port for DCin and data transfer, 3 USB-A ports, 3.5mm audio jack, HD2.0 port, Gigabit Ethernet (RJ45) port, microSD card reader (supports up to 256GB expansion), W-iFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0, and a 2.0 MP front-facing webcam. These interfaces ensure compatibility with various devices and adaptability to different scenarios.,???? Enhanced Backlit Keyboard & Shortcuts – Typing on the notebook’s keyboard provides a pleasant experience. It features white backlighting, allowing for comfortable usage in low-light conditions. The large touchpad ensures precise navigation and smooth gliding. Additional functions can be accessed through the FN keys, including volume control, keyboard backlight adjustment, and display brightness control.